Thursday, September 30, 2010

“Sorry Charlie”

While out in the woods Sunday and thinking of mushrooms, I stumbled across this edible polypore fungus. Locally called “Chicken of the Woods”. It’s also called a Sulphur Shelf mushroom. After a long drought, we’ve finally got a little rain over the past 2 days. I went back to check on it today and found it had nearly doubled in size. They are considered choice eating. I’ve never yet tried one. In a couple days I’ll probably harvest this one. Likely stir-fry it. And experimentally try a tiny piece. If I were a completely healthy person, maybe I wouldn’t be so cautious. I have to consider the well-documented history of a mildly severe allergic reaction with this species in 5-10% of the general population. I’ll let you know the outcome. Life is risk, eh?

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