Friday, August 27, 2010

The bionic cherry tree

When we were making this place a bit more fit for permanent habitation last fall, I had to use a chain-saw type excavator to scribe some trenches for water and power conduits. At one point on the back embankment it got a little out of control on the incline and hit a cherry tree I’d planted here a few years back. It split it pretty badly in a couple places. I felt bad about it and figured it was destined to die of it’s injuries. One evening a couple weeks later the wind started kicking up and threatened to completely split the tree. Out of desperation I drilled a couple holes completely through it and reinforced it with carriage bolts and washers. To my surprise, it has thrived this year and even produced a huge number of cherries. It appears to have completely fused back together. Maybe a lot of things can heal if you just give them the right kind of help?

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